What is a pull-push output transformer?
Output transformers are a crucial component of many electronic devices, particularly in audio equipment. An output transformer's role is to match the load impedance, such as a loudspeaker, to the amplifier output impedance. Different types of output transformers have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will focus on pull-push output transformers.
A pull-push output transformer is a type of transformer used in push-pull amplifiers. In a push-pull amplifier, two transistors or vacuum tubes are used, each handling half of the signal. The pull-push output transformer is designed to combine the signal from both halves of the amplifier into a single output.
The term "pull-push" refers to the way the output transformer is wired. In a pull-push output transformer, the two halves of the transformer are wired in opposite directions. One half of the transformer "pulls" the current, while the other "pushes" the current. This cancels out any magnetic fields generated by the current flowing through the transformer, resulting in a cleaner output signal.
One of the primary advantages of a pull-push output transformer is that it can handle higher power levels than other types of output transformers. The push-pull configuration allows the use of two output devices, each handling only half of the signal. This reduces the amount of power each device needs to handle, allowing for higher power output without the risk of damaging the output devices.
Another advantage of pull-push output transformers is that they can provide a balanced output. A balanced output is important in audio applications because it helps to reduce the amount of noise and interference in the signal. By using a pull-push output transformer, the signal is split into two equal parts, with each half being inverted from the other. This creates a balanced signal that is less susceptible to noise and interference.
In addition to these advantages, pull-push output transformers are also relatively easy to design and build. They can be constructed using standard transformer winding techniques, and there are many commercially available options for those who don't want to build their own.
However, there are also some disadvantages to using pull-push output transformers. One of the main drawbacks is that they can be more expensive than other types of output transformers. This is because they require more winding wire and more complex winding techniques.
Another potential disadvantage of pull-push output transformers is that they can be more challenging to tune. The balanced output requires precise matching of the two halves of the transformer, which can be challenging to achieve.
In conclusion, pull-push output transformers are a popular choice for high-power audio amplifiers due to their ability to handle high power levels and provide a balanced output. Although they may be more expensive and challenging to design and tune than other types of output transformers, their advantages make them a popular choice for many audio enthusiasts and professionals.
Now, some people asked us what is P1, G1, B+, P2, and G2 of a pull-push output transformer?
The terms P1, G1, B+, P2, and G2 are commonly used to describe the winding connections of a push-pull output transformer in a vacuum tube amplifier. These connections are similar to those used in a pull-push output transformer, but the naming convention is slightly different. Here is a brief explanation of what each term means in a vacuum tube push-pull output transformer:
P1 and P2: These are the primary windings of the transformer. P1 is connected to the plate of one vacuum tube, while P2 is connected to the plate of the other tube. The primary windings are where the amplified signal is applied.
G1 and G2: These are the center-tap connections of the primary windings. They are used to provide a balanced output signal. G1 and G2 are usually connected to ground in the amplifier circuit.
B+: This is the high-voltage power supply connection of the transformer. It is where the high voltage DC power supply is connected to power the vacuum tubes.
There are some examples as below, in order to understanding well. This diagram is for 2x25W pull-push vacuum tube amplifier, and for EL84, 6P1 tubes.
2X25W EL34 pull-push vacuum tube amplifier |
EL84 pull-push vacuum tube amplifier
6P1 pull-push vacuum tube amplifier
Audio Note EL84 Pull Push Tube Amplifier